Monday, February 6, 2012

We are Family!

A wonderful lady from Green River, Jenni Simons, took some family pictures for us. (Kenzi's birthday pictures too!...Coming soon.)

That's the good ole Green River in the background.

She took some really fun playful ones too! Kind of captures the moment of what "really" goes on when you take pictures. :)

I swear if we get one girl smiling, the other has to be pulling a silly face.

Or not looking.

I kind of LOVE them all, because even the non-lookers and silly faces capture the curiosity and fun personalities of our little girls.

By the end getting the girls to smile was a nightmare. The bribe of ice cream worked at first, but by the end Brooklyn was convinced that the ice cream would never happen.

Jenni wanted to do some fun ones of Brandon and I.

My buddy and me! Side by side "Every step of the way"!
Thanks Jenni!


  1. So stinkin cute! I love them all, you my dear look amazing! Love your hair! We miss you guys, but it looks like you are doing good :)

  2. These are very nice pictures. You all look wonderful.

  3. Such cute pictures!!! You have such a darling family, how could they not be! pictures are seriously one of my favorite things. I love looking back on different stages of life. You definitely captured some fun ones :)
