Guess who's back....
Back again....
WE ARE back....
Tell a friend...
We won't even pretend to play catch-up on my lack of blogging.
We will just start again.
BROOKLYN: She is getting so big! She is my big helper. She is always so proud of how clean she can get her room! :) She has recently been doing a lot of swimming, dancing, and t-ball. She likes to play hard.
Dancing with her at her dance recital...
(at 6+ months pregnant mind you)
...wasn't exactly my idea of fun.
She insisted on being able to dance with mom,
and LOVED it so much, so I had to do it. :)
KENZINGTON: She is my little spit-fire. She is so feisty and fun. She wants to be apart of everything that her big sister is doing. So, like her sister, she does a lot of swimming, dancing, and t-ball. (She really wants to be apart of the team, but alas too young.) She has a knack for picking things up really quick. She was completely potty-trained before she was 22 months! She is a very quick study.
In other news... We are adding a fifth member to our team!!
It's another little girl-er and we are absolutely thrilled!!