Friday, September 24, 2010

It's a .....

Healthy Baby!!! (Really, that's all we were hoping for, but yes we did find out what we are having too.)

You don't know how different it is to come out of that ultrasound happy and just plain excited!! I got a little bit emotional when they told us that our baby looked super healthy and they couldn't see any complications so far. Yay!!We also found out that we are going to have another little girl!! We couldn't be more excited. I just wanted Brooklyn to have a little sis to pal around with, and that's exactly what we are getting. Brandon always wished to be surrounded by girls in high school and college, well careful what you wish for, cause it is definitely happening now. :)

This little girl seems to have a personality all her own already. She was sucking her whole fist in the ultrasound and then she would pull her hands up and "x block" her face so we couldn't see her. Pretty cute! We can't wait to meet our little girl!!

(I know, the 3D ultrasound pics are kind of creepy looking, but I thought I'd show you just a little of what we saw.) Baby Girl sucking on her fist! Looked like she had the entire thing in her mouth at one point. Baby Girl "x blocking" her face.Brooklyn is super excited too! I don't think she gets the fact that it is a little sister, but she is pretty obsessed with my belly and saying the the word "bebe" while patting it.She is always trying to see my belly.
Brooklyn also calls my belly a "ball". That's when you know your really starting to show. :) 20 weeks.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Boy or Girl??

So I just thought that I would share some of the feelings that I have been having lately. We go in this Friday, September 24th, to have our 20 week ultrasound. Many thoughts cross my mind:

• Brooklyn is our baby!! Can we really have another one??
• Guess we can have another one, cause uuuhhh duh I’m pregnant, but will we love this baby as much??
• Okay, I’m sure we will love this baby too, but will he or she be as cute as we think Brooklyn is??
• Will our baby be a boy or a girl?
• That poses another question, what if it’s a boy!!??? I know what to do with a girl, I mean I have one already, I was raised with all sister, but what in the world would I do with a boy?? Guess I'd have to rely on Brandon for the boy stuff.
• More important than gender though, what if there is another complication??? :( It was so so HARD (hard is an understatement) when we found out that Brooklyn had gastroschisis. With Brooklyn I was just curious about the gender of the baby; the last thing that crossed my mind was that there would be complications. The doctor said that gastroschisis has never happened twice in the same family, but Brandon and I tend to be really LUCKY people and I worry a lot. Seriously I have been having nightmares about the 20 week ultrasound.

Are these normal feelings?? Or am I just a crazy pregnant lady that thinks way too much.

This pregnancy has been SO different . . . not as sick, but way more tired, pregnancy mask, showing a lot sooner, severe leg and back cramps, very low blood pressure, passing out, plus major food cravings for Taco Bell and Cheese Fries (healthy I know!). So because of the differences in the pregnancy I would normally say boy, but because I think it’s a boy my guess is that it is a girl. Does that make sense?? Brandon thinks it’s a boy. Anyways, I would like to know your guesses on the gender??

Monday, September 20, 2010

Melon Days!

This past weekend we went to Green River's Melon Days! All the melon you can eat for free!! It was so much fun. Brooklyn is getting old enough to actually enjoy the rides and love the candy. Daddy with Brooklyn riding the train!

We were able to see some old friends from Snow College. Here's all the the dad's taking their little girls for the train ride. Brandon and Brooklyn Brady, Cody and Payton King, and Shawn and Elli Brady. (I think the Dad's enjoyed the train more than the kids did!)

Brooklyn is actually getting pretty good at the candy gathering, though she kept bringing her candy back to different people each time.

She was quite festive in her melon day dress and bow. :)

She would even try to eat the candy with the wrapper on.

Waiting patiently for mom to open her candy.

Melon Days was a blast!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gee-up Horsey!

While on one of our trips to see Grandma and Grandpa Aagard in Ftn. Green, we were able to go help Grandpa water the sheep and horses in the big water truck.

Brooklyn loved it to say the least. Brooklyn kept yelling into the water hole of the water trough.

She enjoyed playing in the water. (I'm pretty sure she would have climbed right in the trough had we let her.)

Her favorite though was riding the horse!! She kept clicking her tongue and making horse noises.

She got pretty good at saying "Gee-up" which Dad kept trying to teach her that it was actually "Giddy up!" Daddy thought she was so cute that she seriously about has him suckered into buying her a horse. :)
You can get away with anything when you've got Daddy wrapped around your little finger. :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


A while back I told my mother-in-law, next time you are canning or bottling anything let me know because I would really love to learn how.

When I said I wanted to learn how, I thought we would be doing like 12 or so jars of jam...

I didn't realize that I was headed to the "Mecca of Canning."

We bottled apricot jam, apricot raspberry jam, plum jam, and grape jam.

We also bottled beans and peaches. Yes, all over a three day span!! Still deciding whether or not it was worth it. :) It tastes delicious though, but was a ton of work.